PATHWAY is designed for you to be intentional about your spiritual journey and is a tool that will help you take next steps towards Jesus. As you follow Jesus your Character will be transformed and your Calling will be activated.
There are three parts to Pathway, Explore, Follow and Activate. Read the descriptions below and discover which one best describes you currently.
Seeking truth and discovering what you believe about Jesus. You are exploring if:
You are not sure what you believe about Jesus.
You believe there is a God, but don’t know what it means to follow Jesus.
You are not sure why Jesus died and rose from the dead and how this impacts your life.
Trusting Jesus as the one who leads your life and continuing in active obedience as you follow Him. You are following if:
You have decided that Jesus is God’s son and he died and was raised to life so that you have an opportunity to live in peace with God.
You have put your trust in Jesus as the leader of your life.
You have decided to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and obey what God is telling you to do.
Helping others find their way back to God and have an encounter with Jesus that transforms their Character and activates their Calling. You are an activated disciple maker if:
You understand as a follower of Jesus that the primary calling and purpose of your life is to make disciples (Matthew 28:19)
You are ready to explore your Spiritual Gifts and use them to help others find Jesus and be transformed in their Character and Calling.
You are ready to organize your life around your primary Calling as a Missionary/Disciple Maker