Sunday, April 17th

Sunday, April 17th

Isaiah 52 offers this amazing prophecy of the risen Jesus:

Saturday, April 16th

Saturday, April 16th

Isaiah 53 gives us these words about the crucifixion of Jesus: “All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own. Yet the Lord laid on him the sins of us all.”

Friday, April 15th

Friday, April 15th

For Jesus, there was nothing good about good Friday. It is a day of incredible suffering and agony. He knows what is coming. Psalm 22 prophesied in great detail 1000 years before the details of the crucifixion, including his hands and feet being pierced, the soldiers gambling for his clothing, and his haunting question from the cross: “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”

Thursday, April 14th

Thursday, April 14th

The day before the crucifixion is a heavy day for Jesus. He knows from scripture what is coming. Isaiah 50, written seven hundred years before, forecast that he would be whipped, beaten, spit upon and mocked. All that awaits Jesus the next day.

Wednesday, April 13th

Wednesday, April 13th

On this day of holy week, the gospel of Mark tells us that Jesus travels to the nearby town of Bethany. While there, a woman anoints his head with an expensive perfume. In Hebrew culture, anointing someone’s head was a sign they had been set aside for a special task by God. This is an example of extravagant giving.

Tuesday, April 12th

Tuesday, April 12th

Psalm 110 was written a thousand years before the time of Christ. Yet it is a prophecy of Jesus in every way. It declares: “The Lord said to my Lord, sit in the place of honor at my right hand

Monday, April 11th

Monday, April 11th

The prophet Isaiah declares that the coming Messiah will bless all those who worship God and keep his temple as a house of prayer. Seven centuries later, during holy week, Jesus visits the temple to worship. He finds that the merchants have taken over, and desecrated the temple by selling sacrifices to the people.

Sunday, April 10th

Sunday, April 10th

The Old Testament concludes with several prophecies of hope. One of these is found in Zechariah 9:9 and is given 400 years before Jesus was born. “Rejoice, O people of Zion!